출처 : http://www.olivier-rogier.info/index.php?page=software&subpage=software.xam&lang=fr
Logging 및 Exception 처리로 유명한 "Eureka Log" 컴퍼넌트와 같이 프로그램 수행상의 Exception처리를 도와주는 컴퍼넌트.
기타 부수적인 기능으로, Splash Form등의 기능도 있음.
By Olivier Rogier. The package XAM contains system classes for Delphi that provides advanced informations about exceptions. The integration in a project is made in three simple steps, and the 첚nter/LeaveProc?system can be used to write the procedures execution sequence in a trace file. Here the most important classes :