마음의 안정을 찾기 위하여 - Delphi 2005/2006/2007에서의 Web Deploy
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Delphi 2005/2006/2007에서의 Web Deploy
Delphi/IDE | 2010/06/30 09:58
Delphi 2005/2006/2007버전에서 ActiveX 프로그램을 만들고 배포할때 "Web Deploy" 메뉴가 없어 이를 수작업으로 해야했는데, 이 부분에 대한 비공식 패치를 볼랜드 직원인 "Chee Wee"라는 사람이 만들어 올린 자료가 있다.

해당 패치를 적용하게 되면 아래의 그림과 같이 "Web Deploy Options... / Web Deploy" 메뉴가 생성되게 된다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

About the Plugin
This plugin is written by Chee Wee Chua, a CodeGear Support Engineer.

The plugin returns the Web Deploy functionality present in earlier versions of Delphi back to Delphi itself!

This has been designed for Delphi 2005 and 2006.

This plugin is not supported by Borland Software Corporation, Borland Support, or CodeGear Support.

Setup Information
Install the plugin using the Component menu's Install Packages command.

The Web Deploy menu is located after Project, Build All Projects. It is enabled only when

1. A project is an ActiveX library,
2. The project has been compiled.

When you invoke it, and your current project is an ActiveX library, it will create a HTML file with the same filename as your project itself.

If the Deploy Directory option is set, the ActiveX library will be copied there. If the Deploy HTML option is set, the HTML file will be created there, otherwise, it'll be created in the project directory. If CAB compression has been set, the ActiveX library will be compressed into it.

The Deploy settings are not persistent. You have to set them each time. CAB Compression has been implemented, and relies on the CABARC executable located in the Bin directory of your BDS installation.

All other options have not been implemented.

Chee Wee's Web Deploy tool for Delphi 2005
Chee Wee's Web Deploy tool for Delphi 2006

2007 버전의 경우에는 2006 버전을 다운로드 받아 패치 작업을 진행하면 된다.
2010/06/30 09:58 2010/06/30 09:58
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