마음의 안정을 찾기 위하여 - BDE사용시 "Insufficient disk space" 오류의 원인과 해결방법
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BDE사용시 "Insufficient disk space" 오류의 원인과 해결방법
Delphi/데이터베이스 | 2010/06/08 13:42
BDE를 이용한 데이터베이스 프로그래밍시 "Insufficient Disk Space" 오류가 발생하는데, 이는 디스크의 사용공간이 4GB의 배수에 근접할때 발생하는 BDE 버그라고 한다.

해결방법에 대한 링크가 엠바카데로 개발자 네트워크 홈페이지에 존재한다.

링크 : http://cc.embarcadero.com/item/21475

This unit is a patch for the famous 4Gb BDE Bug. It is build to fix the 'Insufficient disk space'-error which can occur while using BDE when the disk free space is near to a multiple of 4Gb. For more information please see BDE report# 7089 on Quality Central.
The reason for the error in BDE is aparently a bug in idapi32.dll while computing free disk space. Idapi32.dll is using the api function called GetDiskFreeSpaceA exported by kernel32.dll.

The solution is to 'patch' GetDiskFreeSpaceA in kernel32.dll for the current process, every call to this function is redirected to a new routine (NewGetDiskFreeSpaceA).

The source code of the patch is included. If you use another programming language (i.e. not Delphi), a precompiled DLL (FIX4GBug.dll) is also included. (If you can compile the included unit, then you do not need to distribute the DLL)

2010/06/08 13:42 2010/06/08 13:42
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